Healing Space Teachers

The following people have all graduated from the Healing Space course and are working in different ways with people living with cancer and their loved ones. Those with links or contact emails can be contacted directly for one-to-one sessions, classes, workshops or talks.


Anne Binnie – Perthshire – ann.binnie@yahoo.co.uk

Fiona Diggle – Dumfrieshire – fiona@yeoga.co.uk

Jane Baron – Trossachs

Tina Gilbert – West Lothian – tinagilbert41@yahoo.com

Gillian Lester – Trossachs – gillian@lochsideyoga.com

Linda Keir – East Kilbride – keirs123@yahoo.co.uk

Rona Gilmartin – Glasgow and Ayrshire – ronagilmartin@yahoo.com.au

Anne Millard -Forth Valley and West Lothian – hello@amwellbeing.co.uk

Melissa Corazon –  Glasgow –  puredream@hotmail.co.uk

Ayeshah Khan – Lanarkshire – ayeshah.khan@hotmail.com

Marilyn Thomson – Lanarkshire –  yogamarilyn@icloud.com

Martina Boyce – Glasgow – sunnyside1@btinternet.com

Jayne Wilding –  Fife and Dundee – jayneewilding@hotmail.com

Catherine McCabe – Nairn – catherinemccabeyoga@outlook.com

(Through Yogacampus) Eilidh Smith – Strathpeffer- eilidh6smith@gmail.com

Ireland & NI

Lucille Cassidy – Belfast – cassidylucille@gmail.com

(Through Yogacampus) Rosie Murphy – Cork – https://theyoganook.ie


Marie McGovern – Milton Keynes – mcgovernmarie@yahoo.co.uk

Stephanie Shanti Bosanko – Bristol  – steph@shanticentre.com

Michelle Roberton– Brighton- michellekroberton@gmail.com

Gwyn Harwood – Glastonbury  – nopengwyn@ymail.com

Sarah Rush –  London – sarahrush2@googlemail.com

Jane Collins – Sheffield – janecollinsyoga@gmail.com

Alison Nye-Warden – East Sussex –  info@foxwoodyoga.co.uk

Heather Smith – Kent  – heatherheartlove@hotmail.co.uk

Nicki Bloomfield – Devon – noobsbloomfield@gmail.com

India Gooderham – indieg83@yahoo.co.uk  

Kim Gainsborough – Cambridge – kimgainsborough@hotmail.co.uk

Sarah Bradley – London –  Sarah_bradleyuk@icloud.com

Jill  Wiles – Cambridgeshire – jillwiles1@btconnect.com

Michelle MacKay – Cambridge – michmackay6@gmail.com

Paula Malloy – Hertfordshire – heykarmayoga@hotmail.com

Ameer Rasheed  – London – a1rasheed@hotmail.com

Aprille Nowell – Lincolnshire – aprille.nowell@gmail.com 

Alison Cheshire – Merseyside – alison.cheshire89@googlemail.com 

Paddy Bellis – Essex – paddy@yogabuzz.co.uk

Sue Skelton – Berkshire – sueskelton@me.com

Qualified through Yogacampus

Parmjit Paris – London  –pammy@parris1.plus.com

Nancy Stevenson – London  – archwaynancy@gmail.com

Amy Merone – Manchester –   https://www.amymeroneyoga.co.uk

Sarah Buckland – London – Sarah_yoga@outlook.com

Claire Whalley – London – Claire@theyogaforlifeproject.co.uk

Louise Denington – London – louise.denington@live.co.uk

Manijeh Talaei – London – mtala226@healingspacecourse

Sue Garner – Lancaster – info@yoga-with-sue.co.uk

Ann Gowing – Chichester – agowing@mac.com

Anita Bubic – London – info@yogapathwithin.com

Anjana Patel – London – atmayogalondon@gmail.com

Jo Scrimshaw – Surrey – jo@sattvicbliss.co.uk

Lisa Jacques – West Sussex – lisakayjacques@hotmail.com


Samantha Hare (Ananda) –  Conwy – buddhasam@talk21.com

Rachel Neyland – Swansea –  rayshines@hotmail.com

Lindsey Joanna (Jo) Davies  – Denbighshire –  zenwithjo@gmail.com

Qualified through Yogacampus

Kalbir Kaur-Mann- Cardiff – kkaurmann@hotmail.com


Juliette Gray – Switzerland, Geneva- juliette_gray@hotmail.co.uk

Yolande Reikert – South Africa, Capetown – yriekert@gmail.com

Carolyn Forsyth – Switzerland, Zurich – cjaforsyth@hotmail.com

Jana Gorst –  Slovakia – jana.gorst@gmail.com